Toyota Harrier Hybrid available for import

The VSpec 2 is leading the way on R34 GTR prices, particularly the rarer NUR models.
This 2001 R34 GTR VSpec 2 (#929 / 1855) in Bayside Blue had only 19,113 km.
It sold at USS Tokyo auction on 28 June 2018 for close to 8.8 million Yen FOB or approx. $142,000 complied in Australia, plus tyres and ORC’s (@81 Yen to the dollar and allowing for LCT).
Oddly it was graded down to 4 C despite the very low km. We didn’t inspect this one in person so won’t comment on the condition issues it may have had.
But generally with km this low we would expect a grade of between 4.5 B to 5 A.
All GTR prices are still quickly rising, with demand around the world stronger than ever.
The best R34 GTR examples now range from about $95,000 complied and upwards.
Please note this is just a snapshot in time with prices moving rapidly upwards on these and other collector models.
Further sale price data and examples are available, so simply get in touch if you’d like more information.
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