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Want to know what Skyline R32 Gts-t’s are selling for ? This 1990 5 speed Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe was inspected for a client and sold this morning in Tokyo.
View full auction inspection pictures for this 1990 Skyline R32 Gts-t coupe.
105,746 km, graded 3.5 B. Aftermarket exhaust, wheels and TOMEI boost gauge. Overall condition of the interior, engine and body was actually very good for age.
R32 Skylines are now very popular for the USA market thanks to their 25 Year Import Rule, causing a dramatic increase in prices in recent years.
Bidding was very competitive and drove the sale price to 974,000 YEN FOB. Total price for import to Australia at the time (assuming the repair would be suitable for import under the SEVS import regulations for Australia) would have been approx. $18,800 complied (calculated at a rate of 84 yen to the dollar), plus tyres and on road costs.
Set up a free email auction alerts trial to be notified of all R32 Gts-t’s coming up for auction in Japan.
Every vehicle we source for our clients is carefully checked in person to ensure top condition prior to purchase. Auction reports are fully translated and pictures provided of any faults and aftermarket parts.
Typical pricing at the moment imported to Australia for Skyline R32 Gts-t 5 speed manuals is from about $15,000 to $22,000 complied, on top of which you need to allow for tyres and on road costs in your State.
We can source anything you want directly from Japan at cost direct prices.
Whether you’re looking for a clean Skyline R32 Gst-t like these, or another year or model of vehicle we can find it for you in nice condition.
More pictures are provided prior to auction for each vehicle of interest, with any faults shown so you can clearly see the condition before we discuss whether to bid, and your budget.
It is vital when sourcing your vehicle to use an agent that takes the time to physically check each vehicle and looks beyond the auction pictures and report to confirm condition. Some vehicles may have an unpleasant smoke or other odour, rust underneath, or other faults which are impossible to know without inspection.
To see what’s available at auction in Japan and research past prices you can browse past and upcoming Japanese auction vehicles of any model and add yourself to our free email auction alerts trial.
Simply contact us if you need assistance with any examples you find or to ask current price ranges for models you’re interested in.
We specialise in sourcing the best Japanese cars and we take time to inspect them properly. If you want a genuine km, clean and original vehicle, we can find it for you, including at dealers across Japan.
You need to be ready and waiting for the right car though, some are not easy to find.
When it does come up, you need an agent that puts in the extra effort to thoroughly inspect it for all the usual faults and issues and provides a full set of pictures on auction day so you can decide what it’s worth.
Rule #1: Don’t EVER buy a car unless you’ve had someone you trust check it first.
Our Past Client Inspections page is filled with examples of vehicles we have inspected for clients including classic cars in Japan. You can browse actual pictures and see the service we provide.
We only source the best vehicles with genuine kms. Read about our Genuine Mileage Promise.
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